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Lady Gaga: "Cocaine was my only friend"

L’adolescence de Lady Gaga n’a pas été facile à gérer pour la star. Aujourd’hui débarrassée de ses démons, la chanteuse revient régulièrement sur son passé, et notamment sur son addiction à la drogue.
Adolescence Lady Gaga was not easy to manage for the star. Now free of his demons, the singer returns regularly about his past, including on his drug addiction.
Bulimia and the derision of his classmates are not the only problems that Lady Gaga has known in his youth. The young woman was also suffering from cocaine, it has long been considered "her friend". The singer used the drug to compensate for an empty, tells Rolling Stone.
"I returned to my apartment every day and I sat. It was quiet and I was alone. There was just me and my piano. I had a TV and I always left the lights to feel that someone was near me, "said Lady Gaga, who believes he endured a period of severe depression at age 19.
"It was as if the drug was my friend. I've never been with other people. This is a terrific way to fill that void, because it adds to the empty void, because it is not real, "added the star.
Luckily for her, Lady Gaga has come out of this addiction. She says he woke up one morning feeling silly to behave this way and have realized that being an artist is to focus on music, and not